The guitar is a big part of Mikerophonography. As you’ll see as the days go on, playing and recording guitar is really the basis for a lot of what goes on here. I’m a big fan of the six-string (12-strings are right up there, as are the four-string bass variety) and am often looking for ways to learn more. That leads us to today’s post…a new (to me) guitar magazine: Premiere Guitar.

I generally pick up Vintage Guitar, occasionally Acoustic Guitar or Guitar Player, but this one’s different. It covers boutique guitars, guitars from major manufacturers, guitar builders, guitar players, amplifiers, effects, pickups and a whole lot more. It has lessons, reviews, articles and adverts from vendors of high-end guitar gear. Premiere Guitar is printed on high quality stock, is pretty meaty for a $4.99 mag, is well designed, easy to read and loaded with good photography.
Do yourself a favor — pick up a copy today. I’ve only read one issue so far; if next month’s is as good — and as much fun to read — I’ll be subscribing! (Note: you can subscribe to the online version for free at the link above.